Sunday, August 7, 2011

Just Take A Hike

Really. It was hot, sweaty, ankle twisting. bug swatting, "are-we-there-yet" fun (to me at least). We, the hubby and kids, went to a mountain resort a few weekends ago and I was able to convince everyone to go on a hike with me. I think we only did about 4 miles but it seemed like a LOT more than that. We took several breaks but it was a great workout and it made me realize how nice it is to be outdoors.

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On the way back my hubby and youngest child forged ahead while my oldest and I chatted and made our way at a more leisurely pace. It was really nice to have that one-on-one time just walking and talking. One of the topics of conversation was the 101 in 1001. At the time I was wondering if hiking was even on my list but when I came home and found out it was I was happy to see it was.
I haven't made much progress on the 101 in 1001 but I am currently working on my pushups and one of my IT certifications. I might try getting in the blog posts this month and I did try t0 give blood once again and once again my iron count was to low.
I hope everyone has been well. Nice to be blogging again.