Admittedly I am organizationally challenged. No matter how many times I clean up and reorganize things so it works for me I always find myself repeating the cycle. About 6 weeks ago I looked for some organization blogs. One in particular had a 30 day challenge to recreate one space. I contemplated doing it but I could not commit to spending 30 days, my attention span is not that great. Instead I decided to tackle one small area in one short period of time. This weekend I was supposed to be cleaning out my bathroom closet. One day of pull everything out, one day of sort, organize, purge, buy storage and the last day dedicated to put it all back in nice and neat.
I guess I got a little over zealous because tonight it all came out, got purged, and put back in. I have like small bags of trash that I will take out in the morning. You just don't know how good it felt to get rid of so much "stuff"!!!
Messy Before Picture
Cleared Out
Top- After |
Middle- After |
Bottom- After |
Now I am going to crash. Good night.