Sunday, November 29, 2009

First of the Month- Pushup Challenge

December 1st is almost here and typically I try to set goals on the first of each month.  It is more just an easy way to remember when I started more than anything else and I don't necessarily feel the need to wait until the first of the year for anything.  So for this December I have decided to revisit getting my body to cooperate with me in doing push ups.  Notice I said revisit because I have tried this before and was noticing results but I got side tracked and that was pretty much the end of that.

Here is the website of the challenge.  Hopefully once you take a look you will decide to do this with me.  

The program has you do an initial test to see what your baseline is.  You then follow a week by week plan based on that number and do a certain number of push ups each set for 3 days each week.  I did not get past week 3 the last time around but that was me not the program.  

The first time I did this I managed to get up to about 20 consecutive push was a good while ago.  I was amazed because I was not in the best of shape but the gradual increase in push ups really allowed me to see results relatively quickly.  Push ups have always been one of those things that I just absolutely suck at.  For whatever reason I always felt that I would never be able to do a good set of push ups.  This program was getting me there which is why I am going back to it.

I would love some buddies to do this with so if you are in let me know.  I will be posting results, probably at the end of each week.  The site also links you to a site called Push Ups Logger to track your progress.  I went ahead and signed up for it.  Hopefully in 6 weeks I will be able to do my 100 push ups.  Wish me luck!!