Monday, December 28, 2009

Week 4- Quite A Struggle

So here are my Week 4 stats. Admittedly this challenge is getting harder and harder. The breaks they give you are not nearly enough so I always find myself taking a longer break. By Day 3 of each week the break is around 4-5 minutes instead of 2. Oh well, I need longer to recover but I am forging ahead.

Week 4 Stats:
Day 1 18-22-16-16-30
Day 2 20-25-11/9-16/4-20/10 --- KILLER DAY..ugh!!!
Day 3 23-28-23-23-34---- WOOT WOOT!! long breaks but did them all each time!

The excitement of actually doing so many negates the fact that my breaks were longer. At least in my mind it does. I am a little off so I am going to have to play catch up this week some how. Give me credit though, my Day 2 was on Christmas Day and I actually did them.

Next is another exhaustion test. Oh joy. Results to come.

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